
Perché i post isolatori della linea composita sono considerati migliori degli isolatori post della linea in porcellana

2023-09-28 00:27

composite line post insulator

There are several reasons why composite line post insulators are considered better than porcelain line post insulators:

1. Lighter weight: Composite insulators are typically lighter in weight compared to porcelain insulators. This makes them easier to handle and install, reducing the risk of injury during installation.

2. Higher mechanical strength: Composite insulators have higher mechanical strength compared to porcelain insulators. They are able to withstand greater mechanical stress, such as wind and ice loads, without breaking or cracking.

3. Better resistance to pollution: Composite insulators have better resistance to pollution compared to porcelain insulators. They are less prone to surface contamination and flashover, which can occur due to dust, salt, or other pollutants in the environment.

4. Improved electrical performance: Composite insulators have better electrical performance compared to porcelain insulators. They have lower leakage current, higher insulation resistance, and better resistance to electrical tracking.

5. Longer service life: Composite insulators have a longer service life compared to porcelain insulators. They are more resistant to aging, UV radiation, and other environmental factors, which can degrade the insulating properties of the material over time.

6. Lower maintenance costs: Due to their superior performance and longer service life, composite insulators require less maintenance compared to porcelain insulators. This leads to cost savings in terms of labor and materials for maintenance and replacement.

Nel complesso, gli isolatori di linea compositi offrono numerosi vantaggi rispetto agli isolatori di linea in porcellana in termini di peso, resistenza meccanica, resistenza all'inquinamento, prestazioni elettriche, durata e costi di manutenzione.

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